Boss Mock - Slime

Concept for a boss. Ideally, the camera will pan out to show this scene and the accompanying dialogue. Then zoom back in for the actual battle.

I have little introductory scenes planned for the bosses. Namely because I love bosses and think they should be given some background and screen-time before they're maimed horribly. Also, as many of them will have few hints to suggest their approach, I'm hoping these will give the player time to plan for the battle. A nice full view of the boss should at least get the brain going on how they might fight, or possible weaknesses.

It's mostly a desire to show off the bosses though.

I'll likely attempt more of these, to work some things out. I need to learn scenery and monster design. Probably try to rough out the common areas too, get some of the normal monsters in there and see how things mesh.

I'm still not sure what style I'm using here, but I have been using the same general colors and a lineless probably stick to that.

Then I will need to learn how to sprite in this style...

...I'm still working in Construct too. I learned the basics to building a cutscene (which is where I was stuck) but now I have to re-write all of my code to accommodate it, which I've been hesitant to do. Luckily Glimmer is monotone and simple, so once I do get that done I should have little trouble with the rest of it. Then I can move on to something a little more complicated (or at least something with dialogue and a menu) before finally starting on this project.

And that is an update. More to come late.

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