Not Dead..

Working on trying to get cutscenes to function. Simple ones. As I know virtually nothing, it is taking time. I am also learning of Arrays...and how complicated and wonderful they can be.

I do have basic enemy AI figured out. They patrol, chase when player is in sight and die when the player glows (if they are in the ring of light). So that is something.

Also trying to figure out the art style. Limbo is the obvious inspiration, but I'm looking for something a bit different. May try to go for a paper cut-out look. Could be fun. The mechanics are more important right now though. My brain just wants desperately to write out a story and draw pictures. There's not much of a story to write and the design is fairly simple, so it's constantly nagging me that I need more. It is a liar. There is too much to learn.

Pictures and Story can wait.


I should probably sleep too. That seems important.

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